Friday, March 22, 2019

Why management is important in India?

India is an underdeveloped country, marching ahead on the path of development and self-dependence. The only way out open to India after the independence of over two centuries is the rapid industrialisation of the country.

Rapid industrialisation will only remain an imagination if we do not have efficient managers to manage the industrial organisation.

The process of industrial action implies the use of heavy machines and production at large scale, large distribution at the national and international level.

All these require a lot of plans to be taken by the management.

The importance of management in India may be explained in the following ways:

(i)  Labour Problems 

India is facing labour problems many times more than in other countries. The Indian Labourer is passing through the state of dissatisfaction and the dissatisfaction of labourer becomes more because of the industrial backwardness.

Therefore, proper management of labour problems becomes the necessity for industrial development of the country.

(ii)  Unemployment 

Importance of management, management education in India, need of management in India, importance of management in india
India is having the largest number of unemployed persons in the world. The industrial development of the country is the only solution to the problem and the process of industrial development implies the need for efficient management.

Therefore, the management is of great importance for our country to overcome the problem of unemployment.

(iii)  Low Productivity

After the comparison with other countries, the result shows that the productivity of Indian industries is very low. The basic reason for this low productivity is the mismanagement of the resources of production.

Therefore, the better management of the resources of production is necessary to increase productivity.

(iv)  Low Rate of Capital Formation 

In India, we find only a 13% rate of the capital formation while this rate is a high as 30% in other developed countries of the world.
Because of the low rate of capital formation, the process of industrial development also suffer.

Therefore, it is necessary to increase the rate of capital formation for the overall growth of our country and this requires the better management of capital resources of the country.

(v)  To Exploit The Natural Resources 

India is a rich country inhabited by the poor. India has vast natural resources. Nature gifted all its resources to India but we could not exploit these resources fully.

Management, therefore, becomes of great importance for the exploitation of these resources.

(vi)   Scientific and Technical Development 

The rate of scientific and technical development in India is very slow. We still use outdated technology and because of this reason, business and industry can never be prosperous

Adoption of scientific and technical developments require efficient management.
Thus, it also increases the need for management in India.

(vii)   Centralisation of Wealth 

The distribution of wealth is very imbalanced in India. Most of the wealth is centralised in the few hands.
On the other hand, a large number of business undertakings are facing the problem of survival.

To overcome this problem, it is necessary to re-manage the distribution of wealth.


The above discussion makes it clear that the importance of management is increasing in India day-by-day.

India can succeed in implementing its economic plan and can face international competition successfully only if the business and industrial activities are properly managed and administration of India.

Thus, management is very important in India.

Happy reading :)

1 comment:

  1. Well written,
    Suggestion:- try to share more figures and facts just like point number 4th, rest all i really liked because this bullet points helps me to remind this what exactly the matter was in exam time.hehe.. . Thanks a ton to your efforts.. .Happy reading
