Thursday, March 14, 2019

What is the scope of management?

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As you know management is a wide process. It has many branches, are as under:

(i) Production management
(ii) Material management
(iii) Purchase management
(iv) Financial management
(v) Personal management
(vi) Marketing management
(vii) Office management

(i)  Production Management 

Production management is concerned with the planning, organising and controlling of all activities related to the manufacture of goods and services.
It deals with the coordination of production operations of an enterprise.
It is concerned with decision making relating to processes for producing goods and services.

Main problems in production management 

Plant location and layout, production policy, plant facilities, purchasing and inventory control, production planning and control, quality and cost control, repairs and maintenance, research and development, etc...

(ii)  Materials Management 

It deals with the determination of policy with regard to procurement and disbursement of materials (quality, quantity, price etc.) among the needy jobs without any delays.

It is concerned with the control of materials in such a manner, which ensures the maximum return on working capital.

It includes scientific purchasing, storage and handling of materials with a minimum of misuse and wastage. 

(iii)  Purchase Management 

Purchase manager is concerned with the procurement of proper equipment, materials and supplies of the right quantities, at the right prices and at the right time.

The purchasing department has a link with the production department, to keep in touch with all the requirements of the production department.

(iv)   Financial Management 

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Finance manager is important for procurement and effective utilisation of funds required in business.
It is concerned with identifying, obtaining and utilisation of long term funds.

Issues in financial management 

Capitalisation, capital structure, fixed capital, working capital, accounting procedures, capital budgeting, dividend policy, reinvestment of earnings, etc...

(v)   Personnel Management 

Personnel management deals with people at work. It consists of managing human resources.
It is concerned with the procurement, development, compensation, integration and maintenance of employees.

Importance areas of personnel management

Wage and salary administration, performance appraisal, promotion policy, employee welfare services and benefits, labour absenteeism and turnover, industrial relations, personal records and research.

(vi)   Marketing Management 

Marketing bridges the gap between consumer and producer. Marketing is a process which carries goods from producer to ultimate consumer.

Important decisions in marketing management 

Regarding product design, package, brand name, pricing, channels of distribution, advertising, salesmanship, sales promoting, after-sale service marketing research, etc...

(vii)   Office Management 

The office work is the main function of management that it helps the management in attaining its goals.
It works as a service department for another department.

It is the art of guiding the personal of the office in the use of materials, methods, machines, and equipment appropriate to their environment in order to achieve its specified purpose.

Thus, this is the scope of management.

Happy reading :)


  1. Help full information but also want some examples to understand it clearly ..Thank you. . .Happy readings :)
