Friday, March 8, 2019

Want to know about the nature of management?

What is the nature of management? nature of management, characteristics of management, nature and significance of management

Here you can get the knowledge about the management's nature.
Management is a wide process. For deep understanding, you should read about the nature of management.
Those are like:-

(i)  Dynamic Function 

Management is a dynamic function of the business organisation. It's function change from time to time. Functions depending upon the various circumstances of the business, i.e., changes in economic, social, political, technological and human conditions.
With the help of a suitable forecast and changing in the policies management adjust itself.

(ii)  Universal Process 

Management is a universal process by its principles and techniques. They can be applied to all types of organisations-business, social, educational and religious.

Must take care while principles and techniques are going to apply. They should be modified to suit the given situation and type of organisation.

(iii)  Social Process 

Management is a social process. It deals with emotional and sensitive human beings. The major achievement is to win their confidence and cooperation.
Management principles are constantly influenced by social traditions, customs and regulations.

(iv)  Management is a process 

Management is a process which is formed of certain activities like planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling.

The managers have performed these functions at all level in the organisation. These functions require specialised knowledge and skills in their application.

(v)  An Integrative Process 

The nature of management is the integration of human and physical resources in a manner that leads to effective performance.
Managers apply knowledge, experience and principles for getting the results.

(vi)  Management is a Science and an Art 

The manager can manage the situation or organisation in a systematic and scientific manner on the basis of knowledge of management and its principles.
Since the skills acquired by a manager are his personal possession, management is viewed as an art.

(vii)  Production Factor 

Management is the most important factor in production. Managers motivate labour and employees for better production. Educated and qualified managers are the potentials of the organisation.

(viii)  Goal Oriented 

Management provides the goals to the organisation for achieving the aim of the organisation. Goal establishment avoids any random behaviour on the part of organisations.

(ix)  Group Activity 

Management is a group activity, through this, teams work together in the project. For the purpose of achieving the objectives, employees work on the goals of the organisation.
Managers help their subordinates in this process.

(x)  Management Makes Things Happen 

As we know, management is the art of getting things done through people.
The nature of management shows that the managerial ability is clearly different from technical ability.

Happy reading :)

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