Saturday, May 4, 2019

What are the management skills?

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Classification of Management Skills

Management is a result-oriented process. To get a better result, managers need the best skills. The various skills or abilities required to be passed by managers may be classified as under.

(i)  Conceptual Skills :- 

For the smooth functioning of the larger system, the managers use these abilities. Conceptual skills are used for developing thinking in an abstract form and to visualise and understand the future.
Managers need these abilities for...

  • Scanning the changing environment
  • Discovering various opportunities
  • Spotting problems and threats arising out of a dynamic situation
  • Relating them to strength and weakness of the organisation.

The conceptual skills also include an ability to determine the overall objectives of an organisation.

(ii)   Analytical Skills:-

These skills are more important on the part of managers for solving different problems and making decisions. Analytical skills refer to those abilities which are needed by managers for...

  • Studying the problem in a systematic way
  • Gathering necessary information in its various aspects
  • Establishing and describing the relationship between two or more variables

A manager may become analytical in his approach for judging the performance of his subordinates, solving problems and making decisions.

(iii)   Decision Making Skills:- 

Decision-making skill is the ability to see a problem. They must have, in addition, the skills in working out a practical solution to a problem.

 If managers merely "see" the problem and become "problem watchers", they will fail.

Managers must also have that valuable skill of being able to design a workable solution in the light of the realities they face.

(iv)   Human Relations or Behavioural Skills:- 

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To get things done by others, this is the basic responsibility of every manager. In this process, he needs behavioural skills. With the help of these behavioural skills, the managers effectively deal with subordinates.

To manage, he has to understand their needs, interests and values.
He interacts with them, guides, directs, leads and motivates them.
By using behavioural skills, he may establish a good rapport, warmth relationships and conducive interpersonal relations with his subordinates.

Human relations skills are needed for providing dynamic and effective leadership and building a team spirit among employees.

(v)   Administrative Skills:-

Generally, decisions are made at higher levels and implemented by managers at lower levels, who require administrative skills for it.
It refers to abilities used for coordinating various activities.
With a practical approach, managers behave like an 'administrative man'.

(vi)   Technical Skills:- 

They are related to the nature and content of a job. These skills refer to specialised knowledge and proficiency in handling methods, procedures and techniques for doing specific jobs.

Technical skills are needs by managers for...

  • Providing training to subordinates regarding the use of new techniques and methods 
  • For providing technical guidance and helps to them.

Conceptual skills are more important for managers at higher levels and technical skills are useful at lower levels, particularly at the supervisor level.

Thus, these are the best managerial skills which are required in every organisation for the growth of the organisation.

Happy reading :)

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