Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Components of Management

Five components of management, components of management, management

Here are some components of management which describe the real position of management.

(i)  Goal formation:-  Management is important for making the goals for the organisation. Management has some defined goals before it to achieve. Goals are sets, considering the actions and reactions of the individual.

Managers framed the goals as per the organisation's needs and so that organisation can full fill their goals.

(ii)  Goal Accomplishment and evaluation:-  After framed the goals now evaluation of goals is an important component. Management also evaluates the effectiveness of goal accomplishment.

(iii)  Implementation:-  It means management put the goals into the action. All policies and programmes are implemented by management. Management finds out that the goals are effective or not.  So that organisation will achieve its goals effectively.

(iv)  Organisational activity:-  Management is a group activity. All the activities of the organisation are handled by the management. Management is to coordinate the actions and reactions of individuals.

(v)  Organizational survival:- Management makes the goals for organisational survival. Managers are expected to use the resources available to them, as efficiently as possible to guide the survival of an organisation in the competitive world.

For the future of the organisation, management makes changes in an organisation. The ability to forecast and adapt to change are also important components of management for organisational survival.

So, these are the components of management. 

Happy reading :)

Monday, February 25, 2019

Definition and concept of management

Management, concept of management, definition of management, basic concepts of management,

Definitions of management:-

(i) "Management is the art of getting things done with people and through informally organised groups. It is the art of creating an environment in which people can perform as individuals and yet co-operate towards the attainment of group goals. It is the art of removing blocks for such a performance, a way of optimising efficiency in reaching goals."
 This is the definition given by the Koontz

(ii) "Management is the coordination of all resources through the process of planning, organising, directing and controlling in order to attain stated goals."
This is the definition given by the Henri Sisk

The concept of management:-  

Traditional management - "of getting things done through an organisation and the efforts of other people."

Modern management - "the responsibility and opportunity for raising the standards of living of the people."

Management ingredients are:- 

  • Management is a process of planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling activities of others. 
  • For accomplishing organisational objectives there is Human Resources are an effective and efficient way. 
  • Wide-ranging activities, decision-making, coordination, communication and delegation are the human skills which require to get better results.

On the basis of above ingredients of management, here are some concepts which clarify the management in its different styles:-

(a)  Integration Concept

Management is the total task of welding into a single working force man, money, machinery, materials and methods."  By Mrityunjoy Bannerjee 

(b)  Leadership and Decision-making Concept

"Management is simply the process of decision-making and control over the action of human beings for the express purpose of attaining predetermined goals." By Stanley Vance 

(c)  Human Relation Concept 

"Management is getting things done through the efforts of other people." By Lawrence A. Appley

(c)  Productivity Concept 

"Management is the art of knowing what you want to do...in the best cheapest way." By F. W. Taylor

(e)  Functional Concept

"To manage is to forecast and plan to organise, to command, to coordinate and to control." By Henry Fayol 

So, these are the Concepts of Management.

Happy reading :)

Author References:- N. C. Jain • Saakshi

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Don't you know about management?

functions of management,management,levels of management,what is management,

  • Can you imagine running a school without principle?
  • Can you imagine a country without a government?
  • Can you imagine running a sports team without a coach?
  • Can you imagine running an organisation without a supervisor?

Your answer must be "A BIG NO"
All the above cases are not possible because management is required in almost all the organisation.

Meaning of Management:-

"Management is the art of getting things done through people" by M. P. Follet

"Management is to forecast, to plan, to organise, to command, to coordinate and control activities of others."  By Henri Fayol

Management is the process which manages by the managers in the organisation. And this management process crosses the five functions in own process these steps are:- planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling.

The five functions of management:-

Planning:-  The first of the managerial function is planning. Planning about the forecast of the organisation. Make goals and objectives for the future of the organisation and planning to achieve these goals. It is up to the managers to find the best goal as per organisation needs. This requires the participation of employees in the organisation. Resources and flexibility of the organisation must use in the planning.

Organizing:-  The second of the managerial function is organizing. In this step, all of the resources will distribute to the employees. And assign the work to the employees as per their ability and skills so that they can easily achieve individual and organisation's goals.
Managers give the right direction to their subordinates or employees and discuss the plan.

Staffing:-  The third of the managerial function is staffing. The main purpose of staffing is to put the right man for the right job. And the selection, placement, training and development are used in the staffing process.
Performance appraisal is the main part of the staffing so that employees can get promotions as per their performance.

Directing:- This is the fourth managerial function. This is an important function in which managers guide, supervised, motivate and lead to their subordinate.
Motivate employees to achieve organizational and individual goals.

Controlling:-  Controlling is the final managerial function. Managers control all over the process and find out if any deviation being held so that it will correct. Measure the actual performance of employees.

Conclusion:-  Management is the process of handling all of the procedure in the organisation. Managers planning the process, organizing the activity, directing the employees, and controlling all over the process by performance appraisal. So, management is basically important for the organisation. 

Happy reading :)

Final word "functions of management,management,levels of management,what is management"